Catherine Jones

On completing her diploma in modern cello in Australia, Catherine received a scholarship to study for a Masters degree in HIP at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague. After four years of study she won a position with The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, with whom she worked for 10 years. In the same period she regularly performed with: The Academy of Ancient Music, Il Complesso Barocco, Concerto Copenhagen, La Scintilla, I Barocchisti, Il Pomo D’Oro. As soloist Catherine has performed with Frans Brüggen and The Orchestra of the18th Century (NL) More recently she performed the Haydn C major Cello Concerto in Madrid’s Auditorio Nacional de Música with Spanish conductor José Antonio Montaño. At the Ernen Musikdorf Festival in Switzerland her regular solo repertoire includes concerti by Vivaldi, Fiorenza, Porpora, Platti, Boccherini and C.P.E. Bach. In the 2019 Bonn Beethoven Festival Catherine played the virtuoso cello concerto in D major of Joseph Reicha which she also recorded for the German radio station WDR3 along with the Romberg Duo Concertante. In January 2020 Catherine performed at the International Baroque Festival of Valletta (Malta) playing cello concerti of Fiorenza and Porpora with the Italian orchestra Controcorrente. In September she recorded again for WDR3 in a radio recital of Boccherini and Cirri cello sonatas with renowned cembalist Enrico Baiano. In 2022 Catherine recorded the cello concerto of Porpora in Naples with I Talenti Vulcanici, Stefano Demichelli and Elisa Citterio. This disk of Neapolitan music will be released shortly. More recently Catherine toured Israel performing the cello concerti of CPE Bach and Porpora, acting as both director and soloist with the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra. She has released three solo disks, Salve Regina with Il Complesso Barocco, (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi), Boccherini and Cirri cello sonatas for Sony DHM, and Cello Napoletano recorded for ABC Classics in Australia. Summer teaching courses and Masterclasses are an important part of Catherine’s agenda and in August 2023 she will again teach alongside Alfredo Bernadini, Director of the Musikfest Atelier in Jever which forms a part of the Bremen Musikfest. Since 2022 she is also the principal cellist of Bernadini’s Ensemble Zefiro. Catherine is Professor of Baroque Cello at the Felice Dall’Abaco Conservatorium in Verona and at the Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado in Milan.


Mon 13/03/23

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre – Il reste quelque places sur les côtés en placement libre à vendre en caisse du soir dès 18h15 à l'entrée de la Cathédrale