Become Friends of the Angels

You can support Gli Angeli Genève (GAG) by becoming a member of the Amis des Anges (ADA).

Members have free access to rehearsals of the ensemble (one rehearsal per project is open to them and presented by Stephan MacLeod) as well as to preferential rates for the various subscriptions and concerts as well as for the discs of the ensemble.

(To join, simply pay the desired amount to the bank details on the right, and mention “Amis Des Anges” in the payment details.)

Ordinary Member

100.– / season

free access to a rehearsal presented of each GAG project in Geneva.

Donor Member

From 300 to 999.– / season

Free access for 4 people to each rehearsal presented of each GAG project in Geneva
4 free seats each year to claim among the concerts produced by GAG.

Patron Member

From 1,000.- / season

Free access for 8 people to each rehearsal presented of each of GAG’s projects in Geneva
10 free places each season to claim among the concerts produced by GAG (maximum 3 places at once for 1 concert.)

Send us your email address, or by default your postal address, and we can keep you informed of our activities and increase our chances of seeing you again at our concerts.

Gli Angeli Genève - 34 bd de Saint Georges - 1205 Geneva
Banque Migros, Lausanne
IBAN CH63 0840 1016 1410 9600 3